Sake-Pairing Swordfish &

Swordfish | Cucumber | Pioppino | Broad Bean | Misoglace (Chef / Restaurant: Christopher Korp | Hotel Austria & Bellevue Obergurgl)

Swordfish - Swordfish | Cucumber | Pioppino | Broad Bean | Misoglace (Chef / Restaurant: Christopher Korp | Hotel Austria & Bellevue Obergurgl)

Recommended Sake-Pairing

The gentle residual sugar of Yoshidagura softens the spiciness from the marinade and balances the salty taste of the swordfish. The lively acidity brings some freshness into the slightly sweet bean creme. The soft texture of the swordfish in the core pronounces the minerality of the Sake which is representative for the Ishikawamon rice variety. The moderate alcohol of 13% and the cooled temperature of 10°C doesn’t increase the peppery taste of the mushrooms. Together with the gentle sweetness of the Junmai, with a milling rate from 50-60%, it produces a round and warm feeling on the palate. The Misoglace is based on the same dashi which was used on the swordfish. It has a high amino acid content which makes together with the sake an outstanding Umami experience.

Sommelier Maximilian Steiner

Sommelier Maximilian Steiner

Maximilian Steiner