Sake-Pairing Hassun starter plate & Dewazakura Kirschblüte

Hassun starter plate kaiseki-style

Hassun starter plate - Hassun starter plate kaiseki-style

Recommended Sake-Pairing Dewazakura Kirschblüte

This hassun plate consists mainly of various fish dishes. The characteristic of ginjō is floral, fruity, light and refreshing. Ginjō does not go well with rich dishes, but with recipes in which the ingredients used come into their own and are not overloaded with spices. For example, the sweet and sour taste of the rolled radish pickled in sweet Japanese rice vinegar harmonises with the floral taste of the sake. Kombu-jime also combines the exquisite taste of seaweed and fish very well with ginjō. The fillet of beef with the ponzu contains ester acetic acids which, through the acidity, underline and bring out the fruity sweetness in the Dewazakura.

Dewazakura Kirschblüte

出羽桜 Dewazakura Kirschblüte

This sake led the Ginjo boom in the 90s and represents the Ginjo style from Yamagata: highly aromatic and dry. Floral bouquet and fine, light umami.

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Sommelier Wataru Tanabe

Sommelier Wataru Tanabe

Tanabe Wataru (Gate Gourmet)