Sake-Pairing Hamachi & Tatsuriki Dragon Blue

Warm Hamachi, Cantaloupe melon & aromatic ginger sauce

Hamachi - Warm Hamachi, Cantaloupe melon & aromatic ginger sauce

Recommended Sake-Pairing Tatsuriki Dragon Blue

Hier steht ein Text der beschreibt, warum dieser Sake so wunderbar zu diesem Gericht passt.

Tatsuriki Dragon Blue

龍力 Tatsuriki Dragon Blue

A super premium sake from grand cru Yamada Nishiki rice. Harmonic and creamy feeling on the palate. Aromas of honey melon, anise and ripe fruit.

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Sommelier Yoshiko Ueno-Müller

Sommelier Yoshiko Ueno-Müller

Yoshiko Ueno-Müller is SAKE SAMURAI (Ambassador of Sake culture), Master of Sake-Tasting and Sake Expert at Assessor National Research Institute of Brewing....